
The delegation of Henan Zhuoyu Apiculture company has participated in the international apiculture conference fo...
According to customs statistics, China imported 5,142 tons of bee products in 2021, up 13.01% compared with 2020, and ...
Nutritionists believe that royal jelly is the world's only super nutritious food with high active ingredients that ...
727   2022-02-22

Royal jelly has seven fears

A fear of air (oxygen), royal jelly at room temperature has a strong oxygen absorption, easy to oxidation; ...
when buying royal jelly, answer mouth taste, nose smell. The pure taste of fresh royal jelly is sour, astringent, slig...
Royal jelly is a natural substance that can be eaten directly and absorbed by the body. General early, late eac...
814   2022-02-19

What is royal jelly?

Royal jelly, also known as royal jelly, bee milk, is a natural nutritional tonic. Royal jelly is the milky white or li...
Generally speaking, the first choice is tincture of propolis, low processing cost, high active ingredients, high ab...
What is the dosage of Propolis Liquid? 1. Therapeutic dosageYou can add about 15 drops in cold water, war...
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