Characteristics of plastic beehives

2022-07-08 08:30:00
Summary :Our Plastic beehive is a double-layer structure with intermediate insulating polyurethane filling that can keep the beehive at a constant temperature, warm in winter and cool in summer.

Characteristics of plastic beehives

Thermo Bee Hive System

   The multi-purpose plastic Hive types were developed taking bee biology.physiology and behaviours together with beekeeper requests and differentecological characteristics into consideration in line with this perspective.AColony Management System that enables rearing bees in a healthy environment,transporting them without causing any harm and preventing potentialharms to them has been implemented with Thermo Hives.

Thermal Insulation

   The innovative all-round double layer insulation helps keep the colony warmin the winter and cool in the summer.A special filling material used in the topcover and side walls of Thermo Hives provides thermal insulation,offering a suitable habitat for the colomy in different climatic conditions and consequently enabling wintering without losses.

Active Ventilation

   The design of the hives allows the incoming air from the hive bottom filters torise all the way through the ventilation duct with the increasing temperature,and the exit through the air ducts on the feeders and then through the louvreson the hive top cover.This enables an affective draught free air circulation inthe hive.The ventilation system is designed to work seperately andindependently for each hive model.The ventilation system prevents any riseof in hive humidity.preventing any yeast or mould formation in the hives.

Bee Friendly Plastic

   Thermo Hives are manufactured from certifed plastic (HDPE)in accordance with the Food Codex,directly coloured without employing external paint,using plastic blow molding and injection molding technologies.Manufac-tured to have antibacterial features,Thermo Hives support producers incontrolling potential European and American Foul Brood diseases.The hivesare manufactured with anti-static additivies against dust formation andelectrification.The raw materials with UV additives to protect the hivesagainst harmful sun rays,thereby prolonging their service life.

plastic beehive plastic beehive

Varroa Control without Chemicals

   Thermo Hive bottom boards are equipped with an IPM system composed ofa varroa excluder and drawer.Thanks to the design of the excluder,varroafalling off the bees cannot re-enter the hive.Regular cleaning of the drawerwill lead the bees to the nectar instead of having toperform a nursing flight,providing a positive contribution to honey productivity.

High Productivity

   The trouble-free working environment Thermo Hives providesfor bees removes the unnecessary work that would otherwisebe required,enabling both the bees and the beekeeper to  concentrate their efforts on producing honey and other beeproducts.Colonies coming strong out of wintering work more

productively during the season.

Ease of Transport

   The rope-winding groove on top of Thermo Hives enablessecuring the hive on the vehicle for transport.The hive flightboard is safely closed and locked.preventing the bees fromentering or exiting the hive during transport.The brood boxand supers are fixed together with a lock latch device.The latch

can also be used to connect several hives together fortransportation,unlike the traditional wood hives that just stack  on top of each other.The ventilation filters on the bottom ofstackable type Thermo hives keep letting air in duringtransport,eliminating losses and collapse.


   You can disinfect a Thermo Beehive to protect against diseas-es using common disinfectants.Parts soiled by bees can be  washed by sponge or washing up brush,power washing ofwarm water high pressure (60C,60 Bars),bleach water withwater (disinfection).or caustic soda with warm water (60C).

Convenience of use

   Thermo Hives are designed and include several accesories as  standard such as queen excluder,varroa drawer,varroa trap (IPM  bottom board).pollen trap,multifunctional hive entrance,topfeeder,lock and latch handles,handy frames,division unitingboard to provide all beekeepers needs and increase productivity.

Long Economic Life

   The Thermo Hives are impact proof.They are resistant ofoutside and external aggression and of all acids and chemical products.They offer an average economic life that is threetimes longer than that of other types of hives.Each yearThermo Hives prevent thousands of trees in our forests frombeing cut down for the purpose of making bee hives.

plastic beehive  plastic beehive

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