Preparation before swarm merger and issues to be noted

2022-07-11 13:43:00
Summary :Colony's internal situation, to a certain extent, to some of the phenomena reflected from their nests. Therefore, by outside the box to observe the activities of the swarm and phenomenon, can be roughly infer that colony internal situation.

Preparation before swarm merger and issues to be noted

1. The merged swarm nests are similar in bits

Bees have a strong ability to recognize the nest, after the swarm or several swarms of bees are combined, due to the change in the location of the hive, some bees still have to fly back to the original site to find the nest, causing chaos. To avoid this phenomenon, it is better to merge adjacent bee colonies. If two beehives that are far apart need to be merged, the bin should be gradually moved closer before merging.

2. Destroy the platform except for the queen

If the colony to be merged is present, in addition to retaining a better quality queen, the queen in the other colonies to be merged should be removed 1 to 2 days before the merger. Half a day before the swarm merges, the transformation of the royal platform in the royal group should also be thoroughly inspected.

3. Protect the queen bee

In order to ensure the safety of the queen bee when the colony merges, the queen should be temporarily locked up in the queen bee to protect it, and then release the queen bee after the colony is successfully merged.

4. Add larval spleen

For bee colonies that have lost their kings for a long time, have many old bees in the nest, and have fewer spleens, they should first replenish 1 to 2 unsealed spleens before merging, and then merge.

5. The principle of swarm merger

If the swarm to be merged is strong and weak, the weak swarm should be merged into a strong swarm; If there is a merging of a king group and a kingless group, the kingless group should be merged with the kingless group.

6. The time of the queen bee merger

Choosing to avoid harassment by bees and wasps, swarm mergers should be carried out in the evening or at night when bees stop operating outside the nest, when the bees have all returned to the nest and the vigilance of the swarm has been relaxed.

beekeeping management  beekeeping management

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