Read This Article Before Buying A Self-flowing Beehive

2022-04-27 16:00:00
Summary :Have you heard about the Flow Hive? It is a new type of beehive that utilizes the most up to date technology to eliminate the need for a honey extractor. As it’s name implies, honey simply flows from this beehive through a spout. With the flow hive you’ll basically have honey on tap.

Chinese Wax-Coated Cedar Wood Automatic Self-Flowing Honey Bee Hive & 7 Auto Frames Apiculture Beekeeping Equipment Tool Beehive

In recent years, there have been great developments and advances in the equipment used and in general practices of beekeeping. The artesian bee hive is an improvement on the popular Langstroth beehive design. The self-flowing bee hive is designed to allow beekeepers to harvest honey directly from the hive without the need for a honey extractor, making honey harvesting easy.

Features of the Flow Beehive

  • Shingled Roof – Roof sections are pre glued for better protection from elements. The roof also comes with brass wing screws to keep the roof secured in bad weather.  
  • Observation Windows – Double side observation windows on the Flow super allow you to check on your bees without opening the hive.  
  • 7 Flow Frames and Flow Tubes – These special frames are the reason you can harvest honey with a turn of a key.
  • Brood Box – This brood box contains 8 brood frames.  This is where the bee eggs, pupae, and larvae will reside. The box features deep handles for easy and comfortable lifting.
  • Flow Super – This is where the bees will store honey. It is specially made to fit Flow frames.
  • Harvesting Shelf – Adjustable shelf to help with harvesting honey.
  • Multifunctional Tray – This tray slides into the base of the Flow hive.  It’s purpose is to trap pests and check on the colony’s health.
  • Inner Cover – The inner cover comes with a central hole for feeding bees, as well as a plug to cover the hole.
  • Premium Brass Fixtures – Attractive and durable brass fixtures are included.
  • Ventilation Control – Ventilation control system allows you to adjust air flow depending on the weather.
  • Flow Key – A special key used to open or close cells in the Flow Frame to harvest honey.  

Self-Flowing Honey Bee Hive Self-Flowing Honey Bee Hive Self-Flowing Honey Bee Hive Self-Flowing Honey Bee Hive Self-Flowing Honey Bee Hive Self-Flowing Honey Bee Hive


As you can see from many Flow Beehive reviews, the Flow Hive has pros and cons.  It is a little different than traditional beehives, and while some people don’t like that, most do.  It’s true that the Flow Hive costs more than regular beehives, but many reviews say that it is well worth the money.

In the case of the Flow Hive I think that the benefits outweigh the negatives.  I personally do like this new way of harvesting honey. It is a lot easier for the beekeeper and I like how non-invasive it is for the bees.

Every beekeeper will have his or her own methods that work best for them. In the case of the Flow Hive, I think many people would enjoy owning this hive.

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