If you are interested in using the candle machine, see here
- 2022-04-07 12:00:00
- zybee Original
- 1018
We have used candles for hundreds of years. Before the invention of electricity, its main use was as a light source. But with the advent of modern times, better light sources became available, so candles are not used as often as they used to be. However, after a stressful day, some of us still like to light candles in the evening to relax. Soft candlelight gives a feeling of relaxation and comfort. Scented candles have a bigger impact because they have so much to do with our sense of smell.
As you may know, modern candles are mainly made from paraffin wax, which some suspect may be harmful to human health. For this reason, some people may want candles made from natural ingredients, which is where beeswax comes in. Today we're going to look at whether beeswax candles are really better than paraffin candles, and how to make your own beeswax candles. First, however, let's look at the main ingredient of these candles -- beeswax.
First of all, what is beeswax?
Beeswax is usually produced only when bees are 12 to 20 days old. The wax produced in the hive is used during colony activities to build cells where the queen lays eggs and worker bees store food. Beeswax changes color over time. As bees continue to add more wax to the hive, the color and opacity of the hive becomes more yellow or brown. Beekeepers usually use a honey extractor to extract the honey, which makes the process quick and easy. If you're interested, you can learn more about honey extractors here and here. After extracting the honey, the wax is treated to remove impurities.
Beeswax also has many amazing uses, one of which is to make candles. You can control exactly what goes into your candle -- including its smell
So why beeswax candles rather than paraffin candles?
Some say beeswax candles are the best, while others say paraffin candles. Beeswax candles are natural, but paraffin candles are cheaper and widely available. To help you decide, we've put together a list of why you should use beeswax candles instead of paraffin wax.
- 1.Beeswax is all natural because it is created by bees
- 2.Beeswax candles do not cause allergic reactions
- 3. Environmental protection. Paraffin wax is non-renewable and has a negative impact on the environment.
- 4. Burning biological products improves air quality
- 5.Beeswax candles burn longer and do not leak as much because of their high melting point
- 6.Candles give off natural light in the same spectrum as the sun.
- 7. Beeswax candles develop a white film that gives them a very desirable and unique appearance. If stored properly, they can be kept indefinitely.
Ok, so let's get down to business: how are beeswax candles made?
Here's the simplest method, but it's also quite expensive. Because of its cost, it is mainly used by commercial enterprises. This method involves constantly boiling water in a wax container. When the wax melts, all the impurities fall to the bottom, leaving the whole clean wax on top of the pot. The drainage of these layers is accomplished by a bell valve.
After you melt the candle wax, you need a way to pour it into whatever container you use to hold the candle. Candle bottlers also come in different sizes, depending on how many candles you plan to make, but one of the most important features of the machine you buy should be its independent operation. You often start your own business and have a trusty candle casting machine that you can operate yourself that can help you start your business. In addition, the equipment you buy should be of strong construction and safe materials.
The candle maker can produce beautiful, fragrant candles in the shortest possible time using a safe, clean candle maker. This unique design includes a lock lid lid, a thermostat and thermometer, a wax valve, and a detachable wax collector. You can also add sesame oil or dried flowers (sold separately), and this is an elegant, creative candle for any occasion. Paint bags and color blending charts are included for customization.
So what are the features of our new candle making equipment?
- 1. The candle machine uses circulating cooling water in the whole production process, saving water and protecting the environment.
- 2. We use new material stainless steel as the mold of candle making machine.
- 3. It only takes a short time to cool the candles, and all the candles can be easily removed from the mold at the same time
- 4. The company can design and manufacture various specifications of candle making machine according to customer requirements.
- 5. Lighting candle machine production efficiency is high, can help candle manufacturers save time and money
If you are interested, you are welcome to inquire
My Email :sales@zorue.com.cn
My Telephone Number:+8615537482739
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