the roles of beehive divider board

2022-08-17 18:00:00

The hive divider is an indispensable part of a beehive. Those who have experience in beekeeping know its existence, but for those who are new to the industry, they do not understand the function of the beehive divider. If you are a novice in beekeeping and you have encountered such a situation, it does not matter, because today I will tell you what the function of beehive partitions is.

The role of beehive partitions

  • 1. The most important function of the beehive partition is to help everyone to cut off the bee path in the beehive, that is to say, when the beehive wants to feed multiple groups of honey at the same time, it is necessary to use the partition to isolate the different bee colonies. independent space.
  • 2. The beehive partition is actually the wall in the beehive, which is the same as our house. It is equivalent to the inner wall of the building. People can use the hive partition to isolate the bee colony somewhere in the beehive, and block the passage of the bees moving up, down, left and right in the bee colony, so as to avoid the situation of stealing bees.
  • 3. The hive clapboard also has an important function, which is to allow bees to live and inhabit on the clapboard. After people insert the hive dividers, there will be a large number of bees staying and resting on it. Inserting beehive partitions in summer can have a good cooling effect and avoid high temperature in the beehive.
  • 4. The insertion of the beehive partition is very convenient, because the standard beehive has a special slot for inserting the partition, and people only need to gently push the partition into the slot when needed.

beehive boardbeehive board

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