Henan Zhuoyu apiculture red Culture tour

Henan Zhuoyu apiculture red Culture tour

On March 11th, all the staff of Henan Ministry of Foreign Trade went to the revolutionary Memorial Hall of western Henan and the fairy Valley of Daxiong Mountain with joyful songs and laughter.

To further guide the company's employees to remember the martyrs, remember history, inherit the glorious tradition of revolutionary martyrs, and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. First came to dengfeng city in Henan province to visit the western Henan Revolution memorial Hall.

Enter the gate, a typical Western Henan style courtyard presented in front of the eyes, gray bricks and tiles are full of traces of time, the anti-japanese hero Wang Shusheng statue located in the middle of the courtyard. In the hall of the memorial hall, we reviewed the glorious life of the war of resistance against Japanese army and civilian unity, had a very meaningful organizational activities, visit western Henan Anti-japanese base after the end, the team members have said must bear in mind the spirit of resistance against Japanese unity and dedication, remember the historical experience and lessons, enhance the sense of responsibility and realistic spirit of The Times.


Then, we went to bear mountain valley, immortal, and the scenic area by li, valleys, lover valley, hundred of three big heart, enter the scenic area, past the steep mountain peaks, standing here, that day the weather is very good, in the distance, waterfalls rushed down from the mountain, fly high, group of organ in torrents, like a beautiful picture of the flow.


We first at the foot of the mountain adjustment rest, eat a lot of snacks, also reduce the burden of climbing, then we can climb the mountain. Along the way stop and go, appreciate the scenery along the way, sigh the uncanny workmanship of nature, also really realized what kind of feeling green mountains and clear water is. Then arrived at a windmill forest and flower forest, the real scene looked more shocked, we are here to take photos and punch cards, beauty is really countless.


The most fun is to play some entertainment projects, full of fun, but also a certain challenge, the manager also encouraged the scared staff next to them, give them a demonstration, everyone also carried on the challenge, here is full of laughter, everyone's face is filled with a happy smile.

Then to the net red swing, just not the tourist season, the whole swing is ours, everyone came to the swing, or sit or stand, as the swing continues to rise, although there is a little fear also released a lot of pressure.

Then we came to the foot of the Red Stone Village mountain, the south side of the red stone village is steep, the north side is gentle, mainly red rocks, we took a group photo here, began to sprint to the top of the mountain. Takes half an hour, all climbing the mountain, there is no fall, climb up on the way too tired, the valley is to pursue the champ music, inspired the morale of the people, when climbing the top of the mountain, the feeling be ling extremely, see the mountains small, standing on the peak, meet have cool wind, relaxed and happy, all the fatigue swept away. Shrouded in mist and clouds, with peaks looming in the distance, it was a concerted effort to see the beautiful scenery.


Then you can go down the mountain. In the process of going down the mountain, you also encounter many beautiful scenery. The mountains are green and the birds' twitter and fragrance of flowers make it easier to go down the mountain.

With nostalgia and, after a day's journey, about five o 'clock in the afternoon to return to zhengzhou, also ate a lot of delicious food at night, the day was a memorable day, is playing a very happy day, a cascade creek, a nasty YiHuan, feel everything here are all the most beautiful scenery, the memory goodbye, bear mountain!

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