How to prepare bee colony for autumn breeding?

Summary : Autumn reproduction is an old topic every year. Autumn reproduction is an important part of beekeeping production, which is related to the overwintering of bee colonies and the production of next year. Some people also say that beekeeping is "autumn is the season of the year", which shows the importance of autumn reproduction. It is also true that reproduction in autumn is the key to bee production. Without a healthy and strong colony in autumn, bees can hardly survive the long winter safely; At the same time, it is also related to the spring breeding of bees. After overwintering, only the strong bee colony can reproduce faster in the spring, put into the production of bee products, and obtain better economic benefits. On the other hand, if you can't get on the autumn, everything is empty talk.

      Autumn reproduction is a common topic every year. Autumn reproduction is an important part of beekeeping production, which is related to the overwintering of bee colonies and the production of next year. Some people say that beekeeping is "the season of the year lies in autumn". importance. Autumn reproduction is indeed the key to bee production. Without a healthy and strong bee colony in autumn, it is difficult for bees to safely cross the long winter; at the same time, it is also related to the spring reproduction of bees. After wintering, only strong bee colonies can reproduce faster in spring. , put into the production of bee products, and obtain better economic benefits. On the contrary, if Qiu Fan can't go up, everything is empty talk.

    There are many factors that affect the reproduction of the bee colony in autumn, such as the external source of nectar powder, the basic group potential of the bee colony, and the weather conditions, etc. These are all objective factors, but we can adopt appropriate methods and methods according to the conditions of bees. In order to reproduce the bee colony as well as possible, the author believes that the autumn reproduction of the bee colony should grasp such key links.

beekeeping in autumn

One:Cure bee mites

    In recent years, bee mites have become an important hazard in beekeeping production, and mite control has also become a compulsory course for beekeepers. Autumn is the most serious season for bee mites. At this time, the bee colony tends to weaken, and the autumn breeding has cultivated a large number of bees, and the bee mites will also take the opportunity to start a large number of reproduction. Large and small bee mites are often harmed together, resulting in poor development of bee larvae and dead pupae; young bees leaving the house are weak and disabled, and the harm is very serious. will also cause collapse.

    The treatment of bee mites is still quite difficult. Because the bee colonies continue to lay eggs and reproduce during the breeding and production seasons, there is always a cover cell in the hive, which protects the large and small bee mites. Completely eradicated. Therefore, in order to completely cure the mites, the only way is to cut off the king's son, so that the nest is not covered, so that all the bee mites are exposed and then the drug is used to achieve good results. 

    The prisoner king should be determined according to the local climate and source conditions of honey powder, usually 10 days before the start of autumn breeding. A more traditional and reliable method is to use a mixture of sublimated sulfur and water acaricide, usually two or three times, until the mites are effectively killed. It is worth noting that the treatment of mites must be flexibly controlled according to the size of the bee colony. It cannot be the same, and the dosage cannot be expanded or reduced at will. For safety reasons, one or two groups can be used for the test first, and then the whole field can be applied after safety.

beekeeping in autumn

Two: The prevention of bee robbery

    Stealing bees is most likely to occur in autumn, because at this time the external sources of nectar and powder have basically been depleted, while the bees are still active. If the colony is weak or strong and weak, the possibility of stealing bees will be greater. In serious cases of mutual stealing, the queen bee is bitten to death and the honey is stolen, which will cause a devastating blow to the bee farm. Bees are also communicators of infectious diseases, so we must strengthen anti-theft work. Preventing bees from stealing should start from the following aspects.

  • 1. Maintain a balanced group

In the process of daily management, the colony potential should be adjusted by adjusting the spleen, so that the colony potential of the entire bee colony is roughly the same, and the phenomenon of different sizes should be avoided.

  • 2. Strengthen management

When there is no nectar source in the outside world, the nest door should be appropriately narrowed and the excess nests should be removed. If it is not necessary, try to reduce the number of bee colonies. When it is really necessary to check, you should choose to check early and late, and avoid too long. Feeding or reward feeding should be done in the evening after dark, and do not spill the feed outside the box.

  • 3. Deal with sporadic thieves in time

When individual robbers are found, they must be taken seriously and dealt with in a timely manner. Timely shrink the door of the bee colony, put weeds, branches, etc., cover the door or spray diesel, kerosene, etc. on the door to avoid stealing bees and prevent the bees from spreading in the audience.

beekeeping in autumn

Three:The basic group potential of reproduction

    The colony vigor of the bee colony is an important factor affecting the reproduction. Under the same conditions of nectar source and management measures, the reproduction effect of the weak colony is generally not very good, which will affect the bee colony's overwintering and beekeeping production in the coming year. Reach more than 7 frame bees. If the base swarm is weak, you can adjust the swarm by tweaking or merging.

beekeeping in autumn

Four:Use the new king to breed as much as possible

    The reproduction of a colony is inseparable from the queen bee. The quality and age of the queen bee are the keys to autumn reproduction. Generally speaking, the queen bee that has just started giving birth has the best effect. If you do not have the conditions for raising the queen in autumn, the new king of the year can also be used, but it is best not to use the old king of the previous year, because the egg-laying power of the old king is relatively relative to the new king. If it is worse, it will affect the effect of autumn breeding more or less. The new kings cultivated in autumn will still have good fecundity until next spring, and the reproductive effect will also be very good, but the breeding time of the kings should be flexibly controlled according to the local climatic conditions.

beekeeping in autumn

Five:Reward feeding

   It is very necessary to reward the bee colony during autumn breeding. Experiments have shown that proper reward feeding can increase the reproduction rate by more than 20%. Only by making the colony feel that the outside world is adequate, can the queen bee lay more eggs and the worker bees actively nurture.

  • 1. Feed ratio

    The concentration of reward feeding should be flexibly controlled according to the feed situation in the bee colony. If there is honey stored in the hive when breeding, the concentration of syrup can be diluted. The ratio of sugar and water is 1:2, and the reward is fed every day or every other day. once. If there is no honey in the nest, a large amount of thick syrup (sugar and water in a ratio of 1:1) should be used to supplement feeding until the corners and edges of the spleen are full of honey, and then a small amount of thin syrup should be used for reward feeding. When rewarding feeding, it is best to add an appropriate amount of honey, which will have a better effect on stimulating bee colonies to accelerate reproduction. If it is purchased honey, it needs to be boiled before blending and feeding.

  • 2. Reward the amount and time of feeding

   It is necessary to insist on feeding every day, every night after dark, to prevent the occurrence of stealing bees; the amount of feeding should not be too much, mainly to stimulate the queen bee to actively lay eggs and the worker bees to actively nurse, and to prevent squeezing the hive.

  • 3. Observe the pollen situation

    If the outside pollen is deficient, you need to supplement pollen. However, when there is a lot of pollen outside, the pollen should be removed in time to prevent the hive from being squeezed and affecting the queen bee laying eggs.

For bee colonies with small colonies, such as small colonies with 3 to 4 spleens, it is not easy to reward feed, so as not to induce stealing bees. When the feed is insufficient, the method of adding large honey powder spleens can be used.

beekeeping in autumn